Decorating Your Nursery When the New Arrival is a Surprise!

Decorating your nursery when the new arrival is a surprise!

Nowadays, many expectant parents will find out the sex of the inhabitant of their ever growing bump at one of their ultrasound scan appointments. Knowing whether their baby is going to be a boy or girl, they say, makes shopping for its impending arrival easier. Just as many mums and dads to be, though, want a true birthday surprise and do all they can not to find out the sex. I’m of the opinion that what babies need in their very earliest days is no different whatever the sex. In fact and this may be a bit controversial but I’ll say it anyway, you can make more stylish choices without the pink or blue burden upon your shoulders and here’s how.
Decorating your nursery

This is the easy option. As in any room, going for neutrals for your nursery furniture makes for a restful and calm room. Of course, once you know if baby is Johnny or Joanie, then you can add more gender specific items as he or she grows. It’s an easy look to achieve and transform.
Here are some of my favourite nursery neutrals:


This might seem like a radical choice for a nursery but randomised controlled studies of even very young babies have shown time and time again black and white, high contrast images are the ones the little bundles love best. As baby grows into a toddler you could paint an area of the wall first with magnetic paint then add a top coat of blackboard paint. He or she will have a magnetic blackboard to play with that will take up zero floor space.
Just like neutral schemes, this is one that would be so easy to jazz up with additional colours over time.

Bright and bold

Now this is a look you can really have fun with and it’s almost impossible to get it wrong. Choose key pieces in bright, primary colours to create a fun and lively space for baby to enjoy. This would also work overlaid on a monochrome scheme. This has to be my favourite!

Just a note on safety
Whatever scheme you dream up or choose please bear in mind the following safety points:
1. Always put baby to sleep on his or her back, preferably with a dummy (pacifier);
2. Make sure curtain cords, light pulls, bunting, etc. are way beyond baby’s reach;
3. Get a nursery thermometer to ensure baby doesn’t over heat;
4. Don’t let baby sleep with its head covered (that includes hats)
5. Babies do not need to sleep on cushions or pillows until at least a year old;
6. The best place for baby to sleep for the first six months is in a crib next to mum and dad;
7. NEVER, EVER let baby sleep for even short periods on bean bags or cushions.

Originally posted 2018-10-18 23:45:29.


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